The news that King Charles III underwent surgery to correct an enlarged prostate circulated in the British and world media just a few days ago. The eyes of the media and citizens were focused on the monarch, who was in the hospital and then - to everyone's surprise - broke the protocol in force in the monarchy by providing detailed information about his health.
The information that King Charles III was struggling with prostate problems aroused almost public interest, and what's more, it caused a huge increase in interest in this type of ailment. This is evidenced by data from Internet search engines and websites: since it was made public that the British monarch was treating an enlarged prostate, searches for information about this condition have increased several times..
Interest in Charles III's health is the perfect moment to remind about prostate cancer prevention. Today this topic is more relevant than ever!
Prostate Cancer: Basic Information
Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, responsible for producing fluid that is part of semen. Symptoms of prostate cancer encompass the presence of blood in urine and/or semen, enduring erectile dysfunction, as well as overall weakness and fatigue. Prostate cancer is not the only pathology of this male organ. It is essential to recognize that these signs may be mistaken for prostatitis. Consequently, regular screening and prompt response to unforeseen symptoms are imperative for preventing prostate cancer.
Regular medical check-ups, particularly by a urologist, are the most reliable way to diagnose prostate issues. The examination involves assessing the size, texture, and any abnormalities in the prostate, including hard areas or lumps. Blood tests, especially measuring Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels, are effective for detecting potential problems.
Elevated PSA levels may indicate prostate pathology, with higher levels correlating to a higher likelihood of prostate cancer. Additional diagnostic tools include urodynamic testing, cystoscopy, and biopsy. Home self-tests, such as the BerkeleyHealth Prostate PSA Rapid Test, offer a convenient and accurate initial screening method, taking only 5 minutes and boasting over 92% accuracy.
How To Treat & Prevent Prostate Cancer
Modern medicine offers diverse treatments for prostate pathology, including surgical options like prostate removal for cancer, and non-surgical approaches like radiation or hormone therapy. Active surveillance, monitoring symptoms with regular consultations, is also a viable strategy. It is crucial to consistently follow specialist advice and adhere to medical guidelines in all treatment methods.
Above all, prevention is key to reducing the risk of prostate malfunction, particularly in men aged 45 and above. Alongside regular screening, lifestyle changes like maintaining a balanced diet, undergoing PSA tests, and understanding family medical history are essential. Prevention not only limits the risk but also improves the chances of successful treatment if any issues are detected. In the case of King Charles III, medical intervention due to prostate enlargement was necessary.
Following the enormous interest in prostate cancer prevention and increased public awareness of this disease, we also want to expand the availability of testing and are offering a 5% discount on the BerkeleyHealth Prostate PSA Rapid Test.
The moment of the king’s disease and medical intervention serves as a timely reminder of the significance of prostate cancer prevention. Regular screenings, lifestyle adjustments, and proactive measures play a pivotal role in maintaining prostate health, especially for men aged 45 and above. BerkeleyHealth strongly encourages individuals to take charge of their prostate health through accessible and effective screening methods. Gentlemen, get your prostate checked today!